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  • When will my order arrive?
    All orders are processed within 48hr. Once your order has been processed. Estimated delivery times: Ireland/UK: 3-5 days Europe: 3-7 days Rest of the world: 7-14 days
  • Do you offer free shipping?
    Yes! Orders to: Ireland & N. Ireland: Free shipping on all orders over €125. Rest of the World: Free shipping on all orders over €150.
  • Does my order need a signature on delivery?
    Yes. All online purchases require a signature for delivery. Please ensure to use a delivery address where someone will be present to sign for your purchase.
  • What happens if I forget to claim my parcel?
    Occasionally parcels we ship to the customer are not claimed and are returned to us. Items which are not claimed and for which we have received no contact from the customer within 14 days regarding failed delivery are non-refundable.
  • Does custom duty apply to my order ?
    Customs duties, and any other expenses associated with delivery outside of the EU that can occur are the responsibility of the customer to pay. Due to Brexit, orders to England, Wales & Scotland may be charged import VAT and duty. Customs, import VAT, and any other expenses associated with the delivery are the responsibility of the customer to pay.
  • I would like to return or exchange an item.
    We hope that you are entirely happy with your purchase. If you would like to return or exchange a Dapple Equestrian product, please email us within 7 days of receiving your order stating the reason for returning it and whether you are requesting a replacement, exchange or a refund of your purchase (excluding shipping costs). All returned items must be in saleable condition with original packing and hangtag intact. Items that are marked or damaged upon return will not be fully refunded.
  • What is the return address?
    Return address: Kilfera Pet Products t/a Dapple Equestrian Purcellsinch Business Park Kilkenny R95RY60 Ireland
  • How will I be refunded?
    Dapple Equestrian refunds are paid through PayPal or Stripe (Credit Card) depending on your purchase. Dapple Equestrian does not refund the cost of delivery.
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